Penor (AUS) 2001
 Life Number: AUS00779749bay mareDate of Birth: 31/08/2001 
 Microchip Number: N/ADNA Typed: Y 
 by Orpen (USA) 1995Contact: Mr KN Smyth, Qld 
 from Goodness (AUS) 1993Retired 
 bred by Mr ST Morley, Qld 
Australian Vaccinations
Vaccinated AgainstDateVeterinarianVaccineBarcodeExp DateLocation
Equine Influenza 15/10/2007Dr ND AnthonyMerial ProteqFlu-Te [FDPC]AH004384 03/10/2008 Coleychelle Farm 347 Coleyville Rd Mutdapilly QLD 4307
Equine Influenza 12/11/2007Dr ND AnthonyMerial ProteqFlu [SDPC]AH012511 14/12/2008 Coleychelle Farm 347 Coleyville Rd Mutdapilly QLD 4307
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